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65004 Votes
directors - Adrian Grunberg
Paz Vega
So, until the very end, there was pretty much no action, just story from the 90s. Some really bad editing took place, bad directing and average anything else.
Seems like a B-rated movie with B-rated script with an A actor.
Those who say they loved this action movie an gave me 7+ are probably never seen the movie, some weirdos with a fetish for Stalone or have some psycological issues. 100s of better movies than this get under 5 rating. This does not deserve more than 5!
A lot of the stuff in the movie had nothing to do with the movie, like the useless beginning. The movie being half in Spanish didn't help it either.
Overall, 4/10. All for for exactly 10 minutes of action out of 100 minutes the movie runs.
Let's let the Rambo die.
Yeah I laughed, and I cried and said Yes. Rambo first blood - kills no one Rambo last blood - kills everyone. Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi Free stream of consciousness. Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi Free.
Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi Free stream new albums
Rambo: Do zadnje kapi krvi Free stream.nbcolympics. Sylvester Stalone (aka jhon rambo) will always be my favorite. Damn I just bought it, didnt know it was on Netflix :hushed. He welcome the cartels to the Vietnam era. What a movie, more than expected too good, action all the way. I'm watching Candyman as an adult and I've got some issues with it. 1st: Why is Helen getting all of these chances? Yo, WHY did she pick up the butcher knife when she woke up bloody in the apartment? Stupid. The black chick got straight up gutted, she didn't even say Candyman 5 times. The doctor got killed the 2nd time Helen called and then he broke her out of the restraints. WTF? Yo, Helen should've been gutted that 1st night straight up. The baby didn't do anything, he was just sleeping in his crib when he got swiped. He can't even utter a word. I support EQUAL OPPORTUNITY KILLING.
I understood why the movie did not hold. One man army. I took my son to watch Rambo:last blood, just as my dad took me to Rambo: first blood part 2, and it was a touching moment, as I reminisced about that time we shared, and seeing my son and his reaction to this latest Rambo, I can only say that it was awesome! We loved it.
Next rambo will be. Rambo : First Period (female version.